Here is the specific design brief undertaken by 7DT3 together with a pictorial account of the design research & development, mass manufacture and marketing of the design solution.

SITUATION:  Toys provide an enjoyable opportunity for young children to learn many of the skills needed in life such as social skills, motor skills and spatial skills.

DESIGN BRIEF: To design and manufacture 25 units of a toy, using the intermittent manufacturing method on an assembly line production basis. The class' client Jack, a 3 year old boy, has expressed the desire for a wooden Dump Truck suitable for indoor and outdoor use.

1) The client and his mother meet and discuss their toy needs with the class.  Jack's interests and  stage of development are discussed.

2) Research and evaluation of existing wooden truck designs obtained from toy shops, catalogs and on Internet sites.

3) Sketch of Group #1's final design idea of Dump Truck with a brief PMI evaluation.

4) Sketch of Group #2's final design idea of Dump Truck. 5) Sketch of Group #3's final design idea. Photos of the three possible solutions were emailed to the client and feedback evaluation & comments received by return email. 6) Freehand sketch of final design after modification by client and the whole class.

7) Working Drawing of final design of Dump Truck. 8)  An assembly workstation mass producing the dump truck cabin. 9)  Workstation where truck wheels are being mass produced.

10) Assembly of tipper sides & ends at another workstation. 11) Drilling the hole which represents the cabin window. 12) Workstation where cabin & chasis are sanded smooth.

13)  Workstation where tipper is attached to chasis. 14) A completed Dump Truck coming off the assembly line after application of polyurethane finish. 15)  Marketing promotion. A desktop published advertising flyer for letter box drop & community market distribution.


Here are some samples, fresh off the assembly line, of toys made for the client's of other Year 7 classes at Murray High School.

7DT5's Pop-up book for their 18 month old client.

7DT8's Jig Saw puzzles in a box for Samara who likes fairies and fish.

7DT2's Spin to Win game for 4 year old Tamika

7DT6's truck for their client

7DT4's Felt Storyboard design for their young client.

7DT7's Colouring-in story book ready for binding

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